Der japanische Modellbauer Kaname hat ein funkgesteuertes Modell der Original USS Enterprise aus Star Trek gebaut. Das Schiff ist 75 cm lang und wiegt lediglich 16 Gramm.
USS Enterprise Finally Flies
Posted by michael on Friday May 21, @10:57PM
apetime writes "Found on Slashdot Japan: Model builder Kaname of Kumamoto, Japan has built a flying radio controlled model of the original Star Trek's USS Enterprise. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for a video. Or go here for an mpeg, and here for a WMV.) The ship measures from 75 cm, and only weighs 16 grams. It's a wobbly flight, but makes you think what else in Star Trek might work if it were tried."
Das Video zum runterladen gibt es als mpg oder wmv.
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