Unglaublich: das Internet ist *voll* von großartigen Finder-Besprechungen. [Der geneigte Leser wundert sich möglicherweise, wieso ich augenscheinlich meine Tage damit verbringe, Finder-Kritiken zu ergoogeln. Erklärung: ich schreibe meine Magisterarbeit über Finder und möchte daher - unter anderem - wissen, was andere Leute so darüber denken.]

Hier ein paar weitere Kostproben:

... the alien fluidity of Finder's culture could raise Margaret Mead from the dead for one last thesis. Among its landmarks are lizard creatures that gain pleasurable release from vomiting, a clan so devoted to the feminine that even men have breasts, a wraith who makes his living allowing people to enter his brain through hairlike optic cables in his scalp, a race of lion women where the females are bipedal but the males still quadruped, electronic kudzu that grows unchecked on urban surfaces and sprouts TV monitors like blossoms, and near-religious pilgrimages to a theme park based around Munky the Homunculus, a mascot patterned after the concentrations of sensory nerves in the human body. To ask what Finder is about is like asking what Europe is about. It's not about anything. It exists, and it unfolds.
Quelle: http://www.citypaper.com/special/story.asp?id=12769

Die nächste Kritik ist kurz und nicht besonders interessant, aber dieser Satz hier hat mich zum Lachen gebracht, weil er *mich* beschreibt:

Finder must be the favorite comic of all archaeologists and culture fiends.
In der Tat. *g*
