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Da er leichte Spoiler enhält, empfiehlt sich den "Spoiler Virgins", die entspoilerte Version auf Watch Farscape zu lesen.
Einen FMD-Thread gibt's selbstverständlich auch dazu.
Besonders gefällt mir ja der letzte Absatz.
Und es würde mich irgendwie stark interessieren, wer genau sich hinter den geheimnisvollen "Investoren" verbirgt, die Brian Henson kontaktiert haben.Although the miniseries will tie up a lot of loose ends left over from the show, don't assume it will close the door on Farscape forever. "I wanted this to be a great, epic event, not the conclusion of an 88-episode story," Henson insists. "Time will tell, but in the best of all worlds, I would hope that Farscape would become a movie franchise as well as a spin-off series." In other words, the sky's the limit.
"When the show was canceled, I tried to place it at other channels, but that didn't work out," Henson recalls. "I was starting to explore alternatives — including a theatrical feature — when a consortium [of investors] approached me in the early spring. They had heard about the show from fans and were interested in financing something with us.
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