There was just something about those original experiences that was truly life changing, something about the fact that somebody, somewhere had literally physically created this actual universe that was inspiring in a way that the idea of a bunch of pasty white guys spending all day sitting staring at their computer screens never can be.
The current crop of Star Wars fans can't seem to understand why us older lot are so bothered by the over-digitization of our childhood dream-world. But Patrick Read Johnson does. And how. 5-25-77 is his loosely autobiographical film about the impact of Star Wars on his own life as a teenage geek in love with the movies. We linked to an early, very rough teaser a while back but we have just been sent the full length trailer and if the film comes anywhere close to living up to this Johnson has made one of the most loving odes to geekdom ever. It is simply fantastic.
5-25-77 Trailer (downloadable Quicktime, 54 meg)
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