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Thema: Ben Browders neue Serienrolle

  1. #41
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von DRD Pike
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    Originally posted by Dashan@17.01.2005, 12:47
    Woraufhin von BritAngie der hier kam:
    Also mmmmmmmmm on the M&M's.... The man who melts in your mouth not your hand.. Oh my! Ben you are going to so regret saying that! LOL
    *gacker* Er wird es bereuen, ich bin mir sicher.
    *g* Bin ich froh, dass ich anscheinend nicht die einzige bin, die beim Lesen auf diesen Gedanken gekommen ist. War aber auch etwas spät gestern...
    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark.

  2. #42
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von DRD Pike
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    Das Ende der M&M's-Witze:

    Browders Charakter in SG1 enthüllt

    MGM und der SCI FI Channel haben den Charakternamen von Stargate-Neuling Ben Browder enthüllt: Der Farscape-Star wird Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell in der neunten Staffel spielen (wir berichteten).

    Mitchell führte die Schwadron von F-302-Fliegern im Kampf gegen Anubis in Antarktika ("Lost City, Part 2"). Er wurde schwer verletzt, als sein Flugzeug abstürzte, fast getötet. Aber ihm wurde ein Platz bei SG-1 versprochen, wenn er wieder in Form käme. Mitchell wird wahrscheinlich als neuer Kommandant von SG-1 eingesetzt als Ersatz für Lieutenant Colonel Carter. Carter wird von Amanda Tapping gespielt, die wegen Babypause die ersten fünf Folgen der neuen Staffel fehlen wird. Es ist noch nicht sicher welcher der beiden Charaktere das Kommando endgültig weiterführen wird, wenn Carter zurück ist.

    TV Guide hatte bereits die Initialen von Browders Charakter als "M.M." veröffentlicht, den vollen Namen konnte man jedoch aus rechtlichen Gründen noch nicht bekannt geben. Der Vorname hat sich noch einmal verändert, um Ähnlickeiten mit echten Personen zu vermeiden.

    Die Dreharbeiten für die neunte Staffel von "Stargate SG-1" beginnen im März in Vancouver.

    Die kleinen Spoilerchen für das Ende der 7. Staffel hab ich wieder eingefärbt.

    Ach ja, und da das ja eigentlich alles eher ins SG-Forum gehört, hier der Link zum entsprechenden Thread: Link
    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark.

  3. #43


    Nicht mehr ganz taufrisch, aber immerhin:
    Cast chemistry keeps `Stargate' appealing

    By Maureen Ryan
    Tribune staff reporter
    Published January 28, 2005

    Some older TV shows -- and we're too kind to name names here -- settle into a state of suspended mediocrity, puttering along and recycling old stories as they wait for someone to cancel them.

    "Stargate SG-1," which is in the middle of its eighth season, is not one of those. The episode airing at 7 p.m. Friday on Sci Fi is a treat, and it should be as much fun for "Farscape" lovers as for "SG-1" fans.

    Claudia Black, the steely Aeryn Sun of Sci Fi's canceled cult series "Farscape," guests as Vala, a wily woman who manages to hijack a spaceship that belongs to Earth's secret Stargate program, which battles various baddies across the universe. When not shooting at him or otherwise trying to take him down, Vala also attempts, with some success, to seduce "Stargate" scientist Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks, at his bemused best).

    Given the chemistry between Black and Shanks, things should get mighty interesting next season, when Black is set to appear in at least five episodes of "SG-1." Not only will the delightfully devious Vala return, but Ben Browder, Black's love interest on "Farscape," joins the cast of "SG-1" next season as well. Is it any wonder that some sci-fi mavens have jokingly begun to refer to "SG-1" as "Fargate"?

    The truth is, "Stargate SG-1" has always had a good measure of what made "Farscape" such fun: an irreverent attitude, a sprinkling of pop-culture references (watch for an amusing Han Solo mention) and a cast whose chemistry is almost palpable. And though the long-running program may not often show the wild inventiveness of "Farscape" at its best, clearly the "SG-1" producers know when to mix things up -- heck, even the desk-bound Gen. Hammond (Don S. Davis) has some commando-style adventures on Friday's episode.

    I don't go out so much. So I read.
    Friends help you to move, real friends help you to move bodies. (John Crichton)

  4. #44


    Und noch mehr:

    "Fargate" special: Ben Browder speaks

    Ben Browder wants to set the record straight.

    The "Farscape" star, who's joining the cast of "Stargate SG-1" next season, along with Beau Bridges, Lou Gossett Jr. and "X-Files" actor Mitch Pileggi, says fan speculation about how similar he looks to "SG-1" cast member Michael Shanks is way off base.

    "We don't look that much alike," he said in a recent phone interview. "That's a myth. He's six foot and built, and I'm 5 foot 3, 235 lbs and pasty."

    Oh Ben, you jokester. The two men do look alike, but they won't be playing brothers, or evil twins, or even evil alien twins. Browder's character will be a Stargate Command military pilot who ends up joining the SGC's lead team. And there will be at least one familiar face around when Browder shows up to "SG-1's" Vancouver set: "Farscape" castmate Claudia Black will be around for the first five episodes of season nine, playing the sexy alien Vala.

    "They've shown a great degree of intelligence by hiring Claudia and bringing her in to do as much as they want her to do," Browder said in a semi-serious moment. "Claudia is a great actress and it'll be good for me to have a friend there. Is it weird for two actors from one show to be on another show [together]? Who knows. We're gonna be playing different characters, and I'm not sure how big the [`SG-1'/ `Farscape'] crossover audience is. Most people won't care past the first scene."

    Ben and I discussed much, much more than the clearly vast and growing "Farscape"/"SG-1" crossover audience (we call ourselves Fargaters, thank you very much), and excerpts from that conversation ? in which mullets, apostrophes and Claudia Black were discussed in depth ? are below.

    [On watching all eight previous seasons of "Stargate SG-1" for the past few weeks] It's not like it's a burden, but it does take some time. Your family does end wanting to kill you. "But honey, the Tok'ra are in trouble!"

    [On how he will pronounce the name of "SG-1" marquee enemy, the Goa'uld] Whatever Chris Judge [Teal'c] says is right. He knows. I mean, if you're working for them, you must know what their name was, and he worked for them. Either that or I'll just imitate Daniel Jackson [Michael Shanks' character]. Or I'll come up with a new pronunciation that will have nothing to do with anything that has come before.

    [On the strange prevalence of apostrophes in science fiction] You look at a script and go, 'Oh my.' With so much sci fi, there's always one or two names with apostrophes. Any time you see an apostrophe in the middle of a name, you're in trouble. We did an episode on 'Farscape' with someone named T'raltixx. It's funny how things in the Skiffy [Sci Fi Channel] universe become canon ? somehow every show will have apostrophes.

    [On his theory regarding the prevalence of DeLuise family members -- Peter, Michael, David and patriarch Dom -- in front of and behind the cameras on "SG-1"] The DeLuises, they are the true replicators. There's always more where they came from. They're everywhere.

    [On how he's getting to Vancouver] I haven't ever done that West Coast drive, so my brother is going to come out and we're going to have some quality brother time. When I show up [to the set] with a beard and a hangover they'll know what to expect for the rest of the series.

    [That's if you ever get there] Yeah, "We lost him in Oregon!" I don't know, maybe it's Ore'gon, maybe it actually has an apostrophe in there. If it was just Seattle to Vancouver I might make it, barring the border crossing, of course. "Don't let him in, he's got a DeLuise with him!"

    [On meeting various "SG-1" people in advance of arriving in Vancouver] I've met a number of the writers and producers. Martin Wood, [executive producer] Brad Wright -- Brad and I got on really well. I've met Joe Mallozzi and his writing partner [Paul Mullie], and I've met Michael Shanks.

    [Whom you don't look like at all] Yeah, he's my secret brother [laughs]. We don't look that much alike. That's a myth. He's six foot and built, and I'm 5 foot 3, 235 lbs and pasty.

    [On how he'll differentiate himself from Shanks and all of the DeLuises] I think my head will be shaved for the show. No, the truth is I'll be wearing a wig. I'll get a big blonde "Starsky and Hutch" wig, and a 'stache. Or a mullet. Go back to the early "MacGyver" look. I think the mullet should come back. It never really left in Australia. You know, the mullet works. The hair is too difficult to cut off in back, why not just leave it there to tickle the back of the neck? So yeah, my character is going to be called Col. Mongo Mullet, until I say otherwise.

    [Say again?] I have yet to tell anyone the name of my character, it's Mongo. I think it would be a great name. But I guess it might change. [Executive producer] Robert Cooper might be upset to read [about Mongo] in the press first. But I do think it's a good name. He's a pilot, it could be his call sign.

    [On whether "Stargate SG-1" and "Farscape" share a sense of humor] "Farscape was probably guilty of more irony that perhaps SG-1 is. I don't know. They certainly have a sense of humor about it. We'll see when I get up there how much of that was Richard Dean Anderson and how much is other people. You never really know, even after watching a show, because shows change, they evolve, they become different, that's all due to the producers and where the story is going and the persons involved in telling the story. Season nine will probably be different from season eight and my only problem is that people will attribute that to me. But Mongo say it's not his fault [laughs].

    [On joining a show in its eighth season] It'll be interesting for me to join a production going on for that extended period of time, to integrate into that environment. Everyone knows each other and knows the routine. Truthfully everyone up there knows what they're doing and know their jobs, I'll just be trying to figure out where the bathrooms are. In my first month or two I'm really just going to be learning names and where the bathrooms are and when's lunch.

    Probably a reasonable analogy is going to a new high school in senior year, it may be even more accurate to say, it'll be like joining a high school football team senior year and trying to find your space.

    [On contributing to the writing, as he did on "Farscape"] As far as stories and characters, that's all someone else's job. In a way, that's kind of comforting. There are a lot of people there responsible for the show. My job is to do the best I can [bringing those stories to life]. Every time you get a job as an actor, you're like "Great, I have a job!" Followed by, "Oh God, it's gonna be my last job. I'm gonna be terrible." I'm coming into a series that's been successful for eight years -- I've got to learn how they do things.

    With "Farscape" it was an invitation to do [writing], I wouldn't push to do that on "Stargate," there's way too much for me to learn before I figure out if I have anything to contribute or not. To presume that my job on the show is to write ? it's not my show. I may have watched the entire series, but I don't know it the way that the people doing the show know it. It would be presumptuous of me to come in and say, "I want to write."

    [On working with Claudia Black in Season Nine of "SG-1"] They've shown a great degree of intelligence by hiring Claudia and bringing her in to do as much as they want her to do. Claudia is a great actress and it'll be good for me to have a friend there. Is it weird for two actors from one show to be on another show [together]? Who knows. We're gonna be playing different characters, and I'm not sure how big the [`SG-1'/ `Farscape'] crossover audience is. Most people won't care past the first scene.

    [On his new character] The truth is, I plan on doing everything exactly the same as John Crichton would [laughs]. No, the similarities [between Crichton and his new character] end fairly abruptly. I was talking with the producers, who were saying, "How does it feel to play another military character?" But John was an anti-military character, especially through the first year of "Farscape." He was not in the military. He was a civilian pilot. Both characters fly planes, that's about it [as far as similarities go].

    Who the character is ? that's to be determined. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do sometimes until I've done it. I have certain ideas, but my ideas are as likely to change as the wind. I haven't met most of the cast face to face, I haven't met the directors, there's a lot for me to figure out.

    [On comparisons between "Stargate" and "Farscape"] I know something about both series, they are sort of related. They were both on Sci Fi and they were in close proximity to each other for a period of time. I'm aware of the links but I'm also aware that they're very different creatures. Fans of both will realize that. I'm an actor, I'm there to serve the story and the script and beyond that, what it means [for Mongo to join "Stargate"], well, I'm grateful to Sci Fi for allowing me to join another show on the network.

    [On Richard Dean Anderson's lessening involvement in the show] Richard's involvement has been tapering back since season seven, for really good personal reasons. Would I prefer RDA be around? Yes, I would prefer that he was there, not just as an audience member, and as someone going on the show. There's something about him I like. But what can you do? It's like life, things move on and you don't always get what you want.

    [On "Stargate's" evolution] At a certain point, you have to keep swimming or die, you have to keep moving or die. Most shows, you look at great shows in TV, "Cheers" or "MASH," any long-running shows, they have their transitions. "NYPD Blue," too. The show itself, the story being told, is what's important. You can change out cast members and the show will survive. Shows add characters, they lose characters, that's the nature of a solid show.

    Even in four years on "Farscape," we lost characters and added characters. Whether the audience embraces that [on "Stargate"] or how they respond ?there's absolutely nothing I can do about that. Other than enjoy the experience and see where the thing goes and hope the producers feel that they made a good decision.

    The great thing with introducing a new character is that he's got no powers. He's useless. That's a great thing. He can't sense when a symbiont is present. He doesn't know anything about Ancient technology. He's not a translator.

    If nothing else, it's going to be interesting. That's a good thing. On the bright side, everyone can blame me if it doesn't work out.

    [A few random favorite episodes] "The Torment of Tantalus," "Cold Lazarus" and "Heroes."
    I don't go out so much. So I read.
    Friends help you to move, real friends help you to move bodies. (John Crichton)

  5. #45
    Flinker Finger Avatar von chani
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    Anscheinend gestern Abend auf SciFi in Amiland der ersten Season 9 Teaser:

    Kansas - mit Links zu dem Teaser

    drei screencaps aus dem Teaser:
    "Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."

    Buffy - Becoming, Part One

  6. #46
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
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    Uncharted territories


    Sehr nett... Ein Teaser und gleich zweimal Ben drin... Das sieht ajF schonmal sehr gut aus... Nette Uniform
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

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