hier ist für alle die es vielleicht interessiert ein ausschnitt aus dem neusten newsletter von virginia hey. und vielleicht noch einmal eine kleine ermutigung, dass wir auch weiterhin ein paar briefe schreiben sollten.
Virginia Heys WebseiteDarling all,
Hasn't this year flown by?? Wow, I blinked and its October. again. Another year older! EEeeeekkkkkk.... Must go to the gym,
must start going out and exploring LA, and must start dating! Aggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OH NO! NOT THE "D" WORD!!!!!! LOL
There's much to talk about now, so lets begin... What is on all our minds most profoundly?...
In this last 12 months I have gained so very much joy, but I have also lost 4 things I loved so much. One of the very biggest
heart smashes was the news of Farscape being cancelled, (and with it, loosing Zhaan.) Zhaan was difficult to "become" due to
the baldness, make-up processes and side effects as you know, but I loved her so deeply as I would love a child born from my
body! She is my soul, my soul is Zhaan, I am blessed with the experience of the spiritual connection I swam in as Zhaan.
Please God a miracle will occur, I can't imagine the end of my beloved Moya and Pilot, my Stark, my children, my friends in
our fabulous world of Farscape. Not to mention the cast, our production, the crew and the list goes on.
Thank you all so very much for everything you are doing to voice your love for our show, our world of Farscape!
Visit Save Farscape at www.savefarscape.com it's the best and most informative site devoted to the cause.
It's so hard for us all behind the scenes as the actors and production team, we all love Sci-Fi channel for their devotion
over the years, they have employed us, given us a home and we adore them. I trust they will reconsider their decision to
cancel, or offer a solution somehow. They have always been very fair and just, so I have faith that something will be done to
Save Farscape in some manner!
Farscape I love you! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Now, this is disturbing me a great deal.. Many of you have contacted me to stage a strike banning the viewing of the Sci-Fi
channel as retribution!!!!!!!..
Now lets not be negative or aggressive!!! We need to avoid this sort of aggressive reaction born from hurt. Don't forget that
Sci-Fi Channel has given us so much joy, it is dedicated to bringing us a channel devoted purely to Science Fiction!
Sc-Fi Channel has been my American home, (along with your hearts), for 4 years now, I am loyal to them, and so should you be..
Just like you I am sad and disappointed by their decision, my heart is breaking, but let's not make it worse by making Sci-Fi
Be logical! To attack when hoping for generosity is a mistake..
Let's allow Sci-Fi to make decisions and come up with solutions knowing how supportive and loving we are, and that we are
loyal viewers.... Let's let them know just how much we love and appreciate them, that we will always be loyal, lets encourage
them to offer a solution with our positivity and love.. To attack them is ludicrous.. They have their own business reasons
behind their decisions, we are not spoilt children stamping our feet because we can't get what we want! We are better than
that, more adult and logical than that..
I wholeheartedly encourage you to express your support and love of FS, do send a multitude of peaceful, POLITE, expressions of
encouragement to the Sci-fi Channel and their affiliates.
Hate will get you NOWHERE except into a worse situation!!!!!!!
Lets express our support for Farscape respectfully en mass.. Millions of POLITE letters will do more good than militant
aggressive tactics born from hurt and power lust...
And a note to some of you rebels - Calm down, don't segregate into bitter factions hell bent on becoming the MOST important
army, its not a personal battle, nor a platform for individuals, you MUST join forces for a peaceful loving display of
support.. Keep your letters pouring into Sc-Fi. Letters of love and encouragement.
I'm serious about this. The segregation, the infighting amongst some of you, and the bickering MUST stop. Hoards of wonderful
loyal souls have walked away from chatrooms forever due to the infighting and power mongering. Lets unite, not break up into
hundreds of fighting factions. Let's not let our depression (and ego in some cases) ruin friendships left right and center!
We have all made amazing friends due to FS, let's not allow the cancellation of FS to cancel our friendships too?
Unite in peace and love and light. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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