Lustige Doctor-Who-Internet-Anekdote: Habe das hier gerade anderswo gepostet, bin jetzt zu faul/beschäftigt, um es noch extra zu übersetzen, aber wer DW auf Englisch guckt, kann auch mal ein englisches Post lesen... ;-)

>>I've been hanging out at the Outpost Gallifrey forum a bit since I've been smitten with Christopher Eccleston's Doctor, and apparently the BBC folks also hang out there. Proof of that came today, when the BBC activated a website - - that included a very obscure reference to one of the sillier forum discussions. The website is for the fictional company Geocomtex ("Thank you for your interest in GEOCOMTEX. We make the best computers in the world and provide the best internet access. Our computers never break down, our internet access is swift. We never crash, lose an important document, or go "bing" 98% through downloading an important file. Obviously we are completely fictional") that is owned by a character from episode 6 of the show, and it contains a support page for Geocomtex products. One of the questions answered there is:

Q: I'm trying to get the Discotron-3 to flash in the sequence MED BIL EOTV
A: It just doesn't flash in that sequence. I'm sorry.

Now, 'MED BIL EOTV' is a misquote of 'MED BIL ETOV' which is 'VOTE LIB DEM' backwards, which was a joke answer to the semi-serious question posed by one poster if the flickering of some lights in one scene was a hidden message in morse code (possibly 'BAD WOLF', which has been something of a theme running throughout the season so far).

So, the BBC are clearly reading the Outpost Gallifrey forum. *g*

Also funny with regards to morse code: another part of the Geocomtex Q&A contains this: - .-- .- - ... If you run that through a morse code translator, you get 'TWATS'. *g*