Aaargh, dachte das wäre der Link... sagen die im Grunde nicht das selbe wie das auf Mickeys Seite, nur etwas auf höherem Niveau? Naja, egal. Hier der Beweis, die BBC liest mit

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The best thing about the internet is that it doesn't just contain pictures of Jordan, but lots of other stuff.

There's very little about "Schlechter Wolf" bombs, for example. That alone is interesting - there should be something about everything on the internet. If there isn't - well, I'm drawing my conclusions.

But, after a bit of careful digging around, I found a grainy picture or two, and a few nuggests. These bombs appear to have been used during raids on London up until early 1942. They rarely exploded - early theories were that they were "a bit rubbish", but a few people wondered if something more clever was going on. After all - why bother blowing up a few buildings when you can poison the water supply?

All this chat about chemical weapons meant that people got very worred - had a poke inside some, found nothing, and either lost interest, or became even more worried.

What if they are Hitler's final weapon?
Man beachte das "a bit rubbish" *g*