Da ich mir die Mühe gemacht habe, meine Reaktionen auf Last of the Timelords mitzuprotokollieren, kann ich sie ja auch ruhig mal hier posten. Englisch, weil zuerst auf einer englischsprachigen Seite gepostet; bin zu faul und zu beschäftigt zum Übersetzen. Und ja, natürlich ist es irgendwie bescheuert, dass ich von all den Episoden, die ich jetzt gesehen habe, nur die kommentiere, die ich am Schlechtesten fand... aber meistens habe ich einfach keine Zeit für Kommentare. Und die hier war so schlecht, dass ich mich einfach ein bißchen abreagieren musste. ;-)

I'm about seven minutes into LotTL now and I thought I should maybe say something positive here for a change, so: I love the glimpses of commando!Martha. :-)


Okay, 13 and a half minutes in now. So, physically being 900 years old makes you grow all tiny. Right.


17 minutes. *groan*

I don't know what they were aiming for with tiny!Doctor, but it sure failed.


1.) Every time they show the Doctor I just have to laugh. Not in a good way, though. More in a, "what were they thinking?!" way.

2.) It's kind of sad, because there are things here that could be interesting. The Master, saving and destroying humanity at the same time - that *is* potentially quite interesting.


Arrgh. Nearly all the dialogue here is painful. And... "Hide her!" - *throws jacket over Martha* - Yeah, that will work. *snerk*


Minute 32. Gah. And no, the chorus doesn't help.


God, it's getting even *more* ridiculous!


Floaty glowy Doctor! Floaty glowy bowlegged Doctor, even. What is he doing, riding an invisible horse?


Dialogue and failing pathos continue to be painful. Would I had the Doctor's power to forgive; maybe then I could forgive RTD for this scene.


The Doctor wanting to "keep" the Master (reversing the Master's pet metaphor): another one of those bits of interestingness hidden in this disaster. The idea of the Doctor finding a new purpose in life in "caring for" the Master boggles the mind. In an interesting way.


Okay, decent death scene with some interesting bits. But could you please hold back on the triumphant score for the Star Wars funeral? Because, really. Not the right mood, right now. Of course, the whole ep is slathered in over-the-top mood-cue music.


It's kind of terrible, laughing about Jack becoming the Face of Boe. Shame on you, Doctor & Martha. In fact, the whole scene leading up to that was wrong, too. Too much levity, of the wrong kind.


For that matter, do the last humans just remain trapped at the end of the universe, forever? That's kind of horrible, too. Not that this incarnation of the Doctor isn't prone to doing horrible things...