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Thema: New Series 4.08/9 - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead


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    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
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    Uncharted territories

    Standard New Series 4.08/9 - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

    4.09/4.10: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

    Written by Steven Moffat
    Directed by Euros Lyn

    Cast: Alex Kingston (River Song), Colin Salmon, Jason Pitt (Lee), Steve Pemberton

    Silence in the Library
    One hundred years ago, the universe's greatest library was sealed off, leaving only one warning: "Count the shadows". But now, the shadows are moving again. As Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues, the Doctor and Donna must uncover the terrible truth behind the Nodes and the horrifying Data Ghost, to find the library's secret.
    Steven Moffat wird eine Idee benutzen, die ihm das erste mal beim Schreiben von 'The Empty Child' einfiel. Enthält die Worte "node" und "If you want to live, count the shadows". (DWM).

    Forest of the Dead
    As the shadows rise and march, the Doctor forges an alliance with the mysterious River Song, as Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues. But can anyone stop the Vashta Nerada?

    While the Doctor discovers long-buried secrets and revelations about his own future, the sinister Nodes declare that Donna is doomed.
    Geändert von Dune (31.05.2008 um 23:06 Uhr)
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

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