Worum geht's?

"It's very character-oriented and internal and claustrophobic," Moore told the Comic-Con crowd. "It's [set at] a secret base in the Arctic Circle, and there's an outbreak in first episode. The CDC is sent to contain it and they realize that the research they claimed the were doing in this extralegal base isn't what they said it was. The deeper they go, the more they realize the research has potential to save and destroy humanity. The stakes are the literally the world."
Quelle und Teaser Trailer:
Ronald D. Moore unleashes a black gooey hell in new series Helix

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Klingt schon mal nicht schlecht - als Fan von "The Thing" und ähnlichen Genrefilmen bin ich jedenfalls genau in der Zielgruppe.

Antarktis, tödliche Viren, schwarzes Öl - Akte X, anyone?