Good news/sucky news

So it's definite, I'll be doing a "Battlestar Galactica" novel (I say it's definite because I got the contract in the mail.)

I figure I must be on the right beam because two of the story elements I wanted to explore were nixed by the BG folks on the basis that it's stuff they're planning to explore in season 3.

On the downside, "Night Stalker" has been canceled. Now, honestly, I'm not THAT choked up since I'd seen an episode or two and wasn't all that impressed. However, the annoying aspect is that Mira Furlan was talking up her guest appearance slated for December 8th...except the series is being pulled with this week's episode. Talk about "Lost."

Ich bin per Zufall auf diese Neuigkeit gestoßen. Jemand hatte in einem anderen Forum einen Link zu einem Review zum Kübelkotz Film gepostet. Da ich noch nicht kannte habe ich mal etwas rumgestöbert und bin auf ein Review zum Film "Hooligans" gestoßen. Dort wurde auch Peter David (einschl. Homepagelink) genannt, was mich natürlich neugierig gemacht hat.

Ich liebe seine TNG Romane und freue mich schon auf sein Buch zu BSG. *freu*
