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Thema: Buffy - Season 7

  1. #41
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    In dieser Woche liefen von Buffy und Angel neue Folgen. Buffy war wieder erfolgreicher, aber dadurch das Angel einen besseren Markenanteil hat, könnte es sein, dass Angel in der Abbrechnung nächste Woche bessere Quoten hat als Buffy. Warten wir einfach mal ab.

    Bei Buffy scheinen die letzten Folgen wirklich genial zu werden, nur leider scheint UPN jetzt wohl einen regelrechten Hass auf Buffy zu entwickeln. Joss Whedon deutete vor kurzem an, dass es zwischen ihm und UPN Meinungsverschiedenheiten gäbe. Der neue UPN Chef ( oder besser CBS Chef ) scheint Buffy nicht gerade zu mögen, obwohl der Sender UPN nur durch Buffys Wechsel letztes Jahr einen Quotenaufstieg verzeichnen konnte. Jedenfalls gibt es schon das ganze Jahr über keine guten Trailer mehr zur jeweiligen Folge, aber was UPN jetzt abzieht ist schon eher mau. Da geht eine großartige Serie ( wenn nicht gar eine der besten ) zu Ende, und UPN macht Trailer die einen eher zum Abschalten veranlassen.

    BUFFY - All New
    Dienstag, 29. April 03 - 20 Uhr - UPN
    7x19 Empty Places

    8.00 pm 5.62 millionen Zuschauer
    8.15 pm 5.02 millionen Zuschauer
    9.30 pm 4.37 millionen Zuschauer
    9.45 pm 4.50 millionen Zuschauer
    9.56 pm 5.10 millionen Zuschauer

  2. #42
    Flinker Finger Avatar von chani
    Dabei seit


    ok, da eh ein spoilerthread lass ich die Farbe weg
    wildfeed zu End of days,
    Wildfeed Spoilers for "End of Days"
    « Thread started on: Today at 05:34am »

    There's the big explosion. Faith and SITs go flying.

    Buffy approaches the scythe. Caleb approaches her, asking if she can get to it before he gets to her. Buffy grabs the scythe. Caleb says darn.

    Roll Credits.
    Caleb tries to get Buffy to hand over the scythe. Buffy refuses, noticing that Caleb is afraid of her now. FE/Buffy appears, tells Caleb to let Buffy go. Caleb says if he lets her go she'll slice him into little bits. FE/Buffy says she won't, she doesn't have time for it, she has friends in trouble. She tells him Buffy will come back, when she's done what she has to do. Caleb steps aside, Buffy runs out.

    SITs dig through the rubble of the explosion looking for survivors. Four of them are alive, including Kennedy, Kennedy insists they look for Faith. They find Faith, unconscious, they pick her up, another SIT joins them. They hear a noise, take off running through the dark, lost, like a buncha tards all panicked and shit. Run run run, oh no, not away from the danger, get Faith out of danger, you guys, run towards the fire please. (Ooops sorry) An ubie jumps outta the rubble. Kennedy rallies the SIT's, says together they can take it, as Ubie approaches.

    Andrew and Giles are going through the groceries. Xander, Willow, Anya and Dawn come in. They couldn't find Buffy, the locator spell took them to the house Buffy took over the day before. They decide they have to find her.

    The SITs are overtaken by multiple ubies. Multiple Ubies attack and kill a SIT, grab another by the throat. Buffy jumps into the room through the ceiling. She's attacked by Ubies. She kills them easily with the scythe, that looks suspiciously like a battle axe. She tells the SITs to pick up the wounded. A SIT asks if there's more, Buffy says there's always more.

    At Buffy's house, they haul in the injured and try to save them. One of the SITs says she thinks they're being punished for following Faith. Buffy says they're not being punished, it was a trap, they didn't do anything wrong. Buffy goes upstairs, the gang is gathered around Faith, she's breathing okay. Giles is checking out the scythe. Buffy says it splits bad guys three ways. She said she could tell it belonged to her. Giles wonders how something like this could exist without him knowing about it. Buffy says she doesn't think it's a conventional type of weapon you get informed about. Buffy says she needs more info. Willow starts researching.

    Andrew and Anya are patching up SITs. Anya starts drinking alcohol instead of sterilizing wounds with it. Andrew scolds her for drinking, she asks him what's it matter and passes him the bottle. He takes a pull off the bottle. Anya keeps telling the SIT not to talk, it'll just kill her faster. Andrew tells her they need medical supplies. There's hospitals just waiting empty for them to raid. He tells her they're going to get supplies, she has to drive because the scotch has made him drunk. Anya suddenly gets excited. She says she'll get Kennedy to watch the girls, because she's tough and the thought of imminent death won't bother her. The SIT Anya was patching up is worried by that statement. They leave.

    Buffy and Xander have a touching conversation. He tells her she doesn't have to protect him. Xander starts talking about the end of things. Says something about her dying. She tells him every time he picks up a weapon he makes her nervous. I think she asks him to do something, a favor for her, we don't hear what it is. They leave the kitchen, she is insulted that he thinks she'll die. Xander tells her not to worry, he'll just bring her back to life if that happens, that's what he does.

    Giles and Willow try to figure out what the scythe is. They hit a dead end. Willow picks up the scythe, tries to read it, gets nothing from it, says that only Buffy can feel whatever magic is in it. Giles says she could read it if she used magic. Willow is afraid to use magic. He tries to get her to try. She says she can't control it. Every time she uses it her hair gets dark roots. Willow goes back to the computer, reads something about the scythe that leads to a symbol that looks like a question mark. Giles begins to try to figure out what the marking is. They believe it has something to do with paganism. They continue to search.

    Outside Dawn and Xander go through his car, looking for one of his weapons. Xander starts talking about how he needs to take a driver's test every year now. They start in with bad eye jokes. Dawn laughs, then feels bad. She tells him everyone's sort of on guard with him. Xander grabs her, suddenly, stuffs her into his car and peels off with her inside.

    Caleb is smashing things, talking to FE/Buffy about why they let her go. FE/Buffy tells him he's been weak since the merge. Caleb says okay let's do it. FE/Buffy tells him not to be so charming. FE says soon it will be able to enter every living being on the planet. FE/Buffy merges with Caleb, they become one
    aith holds the scythe. She feels the vibes Buffy felt. Decides it belongs to Buffy because she's the slayer in charge. Faith is feeling guilty about leading the SITs into the danger. Buffy tells her that wasn't her fault. You go into battle, people get killed. Faith says she's a loner, nothing she's had has lasted. She makes a comment about Wood lasting longer than other guys. Buffy reacts to the confession of sleeping with Wood. Faith asks her if she was after Wood, Buffy says no. Faith tells her that she was always jealous of what Buffy had. People in her life. Faith says she knows why they could never get along, there's only supposed to be one slayer, they're not supposed to get along. Buffy says there's also the thing where Faith kills people. Faith agrees. She says it's a good thing they're hot chicks with superpowers.

    Buffy comes downstairs, is met by Spike. He uncomfortably discusses the night before. He says he won't hold her accountable for the cold comfort she sought the night before. Buffy tells him about the scythe. Spike is still talking about the night before, he tells her she's being shirty. Buffy tells him that's not a word. Buffy tells him he's a dope, she got the strength to go get the weapon from being with him. Buffy asks him how them being together made him feel. He replies that he felt terrified. That in all the things he's done in his long life, holding her the night before made it the best night of his life, and that terrifies him. Buffy tells him he doesn't have to be terrified because she wasn't. Spike asks her what that means, she says she doesn't know. He tells her they may as well forget it for now, and go be superheroes. He leaves.

    Anya and Andrew are in the hospital raiding. Anya comes up with some sci fi reference about how to use compressed air as a weapon. Andrew tells her she's the perfect woman. As they gather supplies, Andrew asks her why she's so good at this. Anya says this isn't her first apocalypse, although something is different this time. Anya's been around longer. She makes a speech about how screwed up humans are. And even though they know what's coming, as in death, they keep fighting. So she supposes she'll fight too. Andrew tells her that her speech is beautiful. Anya says it isn't, he teases her that she likes humans. She says she doesn't, and if he tells anyone that, she'll kill him. Andrew says she has a better chance of surviving than he does, because she's over 1000 years old and experienced with that kind of stuff. Andrew challenges her to a wheelchair fight. They both hop in chairs and start smashing into each other whilst doing Xena calls.

    Buffy goes to the graveyard, down into an underground tomb thingy. An old woman comes out from behind a curtain. She says she forgot how young it would be. She's been waiting for Buffy, she's the only one of them left. Buffy asks how long she's been waiting. The old woman says it's enough to say she looks good for her age. Buffy hands the scythe to the woman, the woman says Buffy drew it from the rock, but the old woman was one of the ones who placed it there. She tells her that the weapon was forged long ago to kill the last pure demon to walk the earth. The weapon has been hidden until now. Buffy asks why they didn't know any of this until now. The old woman says they were hiding. The old woman hands the weapon back to Buffy and tells her it is powerful, but what she possesses is even more powerful. She says the end is near. Hands reach out, snap the old woman's neck. Caleb emerges from behind the curtain. Asks what the woman said, her words were obstructed by the neck snapping sound
    Dawn wakes up in the car, pissed off that Xander cloroformed her. Xander says he only did what Buffy told him to do. He hands Dawn a letter from Buffy. Dawn begins to read it. Then, suddenly, I think she has a tazer, she zaps Xander and knocks him out, grabbing the wheel of the car and steering to the side of the road.

    Caleb starts to kick the holy snot out of Buffy. He tells her he warned her, but she chose not to heed it. Caleb gets hold of the scythe, he's about to chop Buffy when he's coldconked from behind by Angel. He helps Buffy to her feet, says he never much liked preachers. Buffy thanks him, Angel says this is probably something she would like to finish herself. Buffy agrees. She takes the scythe. Angel stands back and watches, acting like he's in awe. Buffy slices Caleb with the scythe. Caleb falls to the ground. Angel approaches, he tells her at least she could tell him she's glad to see him. Buffy grabs him and kisses him. Camera pans to the shadows where Spike watches. FE/Buffy whispers in Spike's ear "That bitch."

    The End.

    Und darauf ist Whedon auch noch stolz !!! :unsure:
    "Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."

    Buffy - Becoming, Part One

  3. #43
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
    Dabei seit



    Buffy's Quote wird immer höher je näher das Ende rückt. Zwar macht der UPN immer noch kaum Werbung obwohl die Trailer wenigstens mal länger werden, dafür aber wird in unzähligen Magazinen und TV Shows über die Serie berichtet.

    Dennoch hat Buffy schlechte Karten, weil die Konkurenz am Dienstag Abend ziemlich groß ist und deshalb obwohl gute 5 Millionen Zuschauer im Schnitt schauen, die Gesamtquote doch eher niedirger ausfallen wird. Warten wir ab....

    Dienstag, 6. Mai 2003, 20 Uhr, UPN
    7x21 End Of Days

    8.00 pm 5.47 millionen Zuschauer
    8.15 pm 5.21 millionen Zuschauer
    8.30 pm 4.78 millionen Zuschauer
    8.45 pm 4.99 millionen Zuschauer
    8.56 pm 4.96 millionen Zuschauer

  4. #44
    Flinker Finger Avatar von chani
    Dabei seit


    ok, das wildfeed für "Chosen" ist draussen :

    original Leoff Englisch Deutsch

    soll jeder selber entscheiden ob er/sie es lesen will

    einfach schade das eine eigentlich gute Serie, SO sein Abschied nehmen muß

    PS.: Habs jetzt gesehen, und als standalone isses ganz gut, aber im Gesamten gesehen zu viele offenen Fragen, für meinen Geschmack
    "Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."

    Buffy - Becoming, Part One

  5. #45
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
    Dabei seit
    Uncharted territories


    Buäääääääh, ich habs ja geahnt seit der letzten Folge, aber mussten sie es wirklich so enden lassen? Ok, die Botschaft am Ende war ja ganz nett, aber naja, die Folge war etwas...platt wenn ich das mal so sagen darf. Für jemanden wie mich, der die Angel-Folgen nicht parallel dazu gesehen hat kam das jetzt alles ein wenig kurz....Einfach puff und Ende, war für mich nicht so der tolle Schluss
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

  6. #46
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
    Dabei seit



    Es ist beachtlich was für eine Quote die Serie geschafft hat, obwohl der Sender UPN kaum Werbung gemacht hatte, und lieber die Model Show danach bewarb. UPN hatte Buffy abgeschrieben, die Fans jedoch nicht. In sage und schreibe 152 Magazinen wurde letzte Woche über Buffy berichtet. Man muss dazu sagen, dass Buffy eine Serie ist bei der man nur schwer einsteigen kann wenn man kein Hintergrundwissen hat und Buffy war auch nie eine Serie bei der Quoten eine alt zu wichtige Rolle gespielt haben. Mit der richtigen Werbung seitens des Senders hätte Buffy vielleicht sogar noch ne Rekordquote holen können, aber für UPN Maße ist die Quote von dem Finale sehr gut. Sie erreicht zwar nicht das Top Ranting von Dawson's Creek letzte Woche, aber wir könnten sicher sein würde die Serie noch auf WB laufen hätte sie das geschafft. Insgesamt sahen 4,97 Millionen Zuschauer das Finale von BTVs in der Hochrechnung. Und in den letzten Minuten waren es sogar doppelt so viele. Leider hatte Buffy das Problem gegen American Idol antreten zu müssen welches gestern 27 Millionen Zuschauer vor den TV lockte, daszu kam das Finale von Gilmore Girls. Buffy war 15 % niedriger als die Quote von GG, was aber immer noch gut ist. Doch durch diese supe Quoten wurden die doch recht hohen Gesamtwerte ziemlich niedrig eingestuft und so waren es am Ende doch nur 5 Millionen Zuschauer obwohl eigentlich viel mehr Leute geschaut haben. Aber immerhin konnte Buffy 3 der BIG 4 Networks sogar schlagen und erreichte bessere Werte als CBS,NBC und ABC. Insgesamt hat Buffy damit eine gute Abschlussquote erreicht.

    Series Finale0
    Dienstag, 20. Mai 2003
    20 Uhr - UPN
    7x22 Chosen

    8.00 pm 5.67 Millionen Zuschauer
    8.15 pm 4.99 millionen Zuschauer
    8.30 pm 6.78 millionen Zuschauer
    8.45 pm 7.03 millionen Zuschauer
    8.56 pm 8.46 millionen Zuschauer

  7. #47
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
    Dabei seit
    Uncharted territories


    Und hier nommal was lustiges zum Buffy-Abschluss, nich anschauen, wenn man die letzte Folge noch nich kennt!

    Klick mich
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

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